2016-02-23 20:31:34

Chinese Lantern Festival

Učiteljica kineskog jezika Liu Fang s učenicima naše škole obilježila je Kineski festival Chinese Lantern Festival.

Što je Lantern Festival i kako se obilježava?


Today is traditional Chinese Lantern Festival, which is the end of Spring Festival. Chinese people will eat Tangyuan (sticky rice balls). Tangyuan, also know as yuanxiao, is made from glutinous rice flour mixed with a small amount of water to forms balls ans is then cooked and served in boiling water. Traditionally, the balls come suffed with sweet black sesame paste. Tangyuan means family union.

Lighting lanterns

Decorating and hanging lanterns is the main tradition of the festival, with lanterns big and small hung around househoulds, parks, streets and other public spaces. 

This year is monkey year, people made monkey lanterns.

Today, Chinese teacher Liu Fang taught pupils of grade four in Spinut primary school to make lanterns and also told them about how Chinese people celebrate their Lantern Featival. These pupils are very interested in making lanterns and Chinese culture.

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